Join us for an engaging webinar on Tuesday, 10 September, from 15:00 to 16:30 CEST, as we dive into global experiences in the professionalization of advisory...
Rural and farming communities directly experience the impact of climate change, emphasising the urgent need for action. As a future extension professional, you...
Agribusiness startups are reshaping India’s agricultural sector, fostering a strong entrepreneurial mindset. This growing interest, alongside advancements in...
In 2022, the Rural Development Administration(RDA) of the Republic of Korea through its Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (AFACI), launched a...
Rising temperatures, longer droughts, more severe storms, warming oceans, and recurring floods are already threatening global agriculture and food security...
The majority of smallholder farmers in developing countries lack access to location-specific science-based information. Although digital advisory tools can...
Securing the rights of forest dwellers on forest land and resources is crucial for their livelihood development as well as for forest protection, conservation...
Agroecology is a promising approach that is transforming agrifood systems across the Asia-Pacific Region. Indeed, there is increasing evidence of positive...
Agribusiness incubation plays a key role in creating and nurturing viable agricultural entrepreneurships involving diverse stakeholders. Currently...
CRISP-IRRI-WORKING PAPER 2023-001 During 2022-23, as a part of the CGIAR Seed Equal Initiative, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Centre...