







Agricultural Extension in Afghanistan-Overview
This link provides an overview of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Afghanistan.

Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL)
It  deals with the development of the policies, plans, regulations, acts and certifications related to agriculture, irrigation and livestock. It also aims to restore Afghanistan’s agricultural economy through increasing production and productivity, natural resource management, improved physical infrastructure and market development.

eAfghan Ag
eAfghan Ag “provides credible relevant information to those helping farmers in Afghanistan”. The project is supported by USDA and managed by UC Davis. Over 50 institutions have contributed content. Please send any questions to

Paywand-Agriculture Knowledge Management Facility
This is a virtual information center which gives an update of all the agriculture market information, meteorological information and agriculture related studies and reports of Afghanistan.It is a collaborative effort of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Afghanistan  and the USAID’s Agricultural Credit Enhancement (ACE) Program.

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) It is established to develop and implement programs promoting responsible social and financial growth in rural areas, primarily in the non-farm sector. MRRD aims to reduce poverty amongst the Afghanis who live in rural areas by implementing a growth strategy which calls upon the government and civil society to address the macro economic constraints, the small size of the formal private sector, and the realities of rural poverty in order to implement realistic poverty reduction and development strategies.

Agriculture Knowledge Management Facility, Paywand:
This is a virtual information center which gives an update of all the agriculture market information, meteorological information and agriculture related studies and reports of Afghanistan.

Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD)
MRRD has been established to develop and implement programs promoting responsible social and financial growth in rural areas, primarily in the non-farm sector.