
Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Society (BAES)
 Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Society aims at promoting development of agricultural extension profession, its  research and practice.It publishes the Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education (BJEE).The office of BJEE is    located at the Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-        2202, Bangladesh.
 Agricultural Extension in Bangladesh-Overview
  This link provides an overview of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Bangladesh
Ministry of Agriculture

It deals with the development of the agricultural policies, plans, regulations, acts, and aiming for the sustainable agricultural development and for food sufficiency of the country.

Department of Livestock and services

It works under the Ministry of Fisheries and livestock and deals livestock extension services and trainings to individuals on livestock management and research programmes.

Department of Agricultural Marketing

It works under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bangladesh and has undertaken an e-government initiative that would utilize the power of ICT to develop and disseminate critical agricultural market information to farmers, traders, government, policy makers, development agencies and other stakeholders.

Department of Fisheries

It works under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock and its mandate is to enhance fisheries resources through enacting conservation and management measures and to disseminate improved aquaculture technologies through training and demonstration.

Central Extension Resources Development Institute (CERDI)

Central Extension Resources Development Institute (CERDI) is the apex training institute of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) under the Ministry of Agriculture and it caters to training extension officials in Bangladesh.

 Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)

It is the apex body of the National Agricultural Research system (NARS) in Bangladesh with the responsibility of strengthening the national agricultural research capability through planning and integration of resources.

Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC

It is the largest and most effective NGO in Bangladesh with about 9000 front-line extension staff focusing on rural and farm women. BRACs programme covers micro finance, institution building, income generating activities, and programme support enterprises (eg: seed production, disease diagnostic labs, processing and marketing) and it has developed an integrated sector specific approach to enterprise development of the poor.

Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID)

It is an inclusive business initiative engaged in developing ICT enabled products and services to support private and public (Government and NGO) initiatives targeted for the BoP (Base of the Pyramid) segment in particular and citizens in general in providing them with access to ICTs and ICT enabled information and services.

Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla

BARD is internationally acclaimed for its many innovative works in the field of rural development in Bangladesh. The Academy is a designated national training institute. Its training clientele includes both officials and non-officials. The academy has been conducting socioeconomic research since its inception. BARD conducts experimental projects to evolve models of improved institutions, administrative structures, coordination and methods of production.

Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Network (BAEN)
Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Network (BAEN) aims at Sustainable growth in agricultural productivity through identification, documentation and dissemination of good agricultural practices and extension approaches for environment friendly socio-economic growth in Bangladesh. Major objectives of the network are, Identifying, documenting and disseminating good agricultural practices and extension approaches, Developing innovation in extension approaches, Strengthening capacity of the extension professional, Supporting research for socio-eco-friendly sustainable agricultural productivity, Promoting awareness, knowledge sharing and networking for building effective and efficient extension and advisory services nationally, regionally and globally

Helvetas- Bangladesh

Helvetas is committed to a just world in which all men and women determine the course of their lives in dignity and security, using environmental resources in a sustainable manner. Helvetas is an independent organization for development based in Switzerland with affiliated organizations in Germany and the United States. Helvetas supports poor and disadvantaged women, men and communities in about thirty developing and transition countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Helvetas is active in five working areas: water and infrastructure, skills development and education, sustainable and inclusive economies, governance and peace and environment and climate change. Helvetas engages in emergency relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation. In addition to rural areas, Helvetas is increasingly involved in urban development and is focusing its work on young women and men.

Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (BASA)

BASA is a non-government, non-profit andnon-political organization established in 1991 to serve the socio-economically depressed communities in Bangladesh. BASA works in the fields of sustainable development, poverty alleviation and empowerment of the poor (particularly women) through the provision of micro-finance services supported by a wide array of other development programmes.

Society for Development Initiatives (SDI)

SDI envisions a society where all the people will have equal opportunity and access to resources to realize their human potentials and quality of life aspirations. The initiative or the agenda was to trigger a self-empowerment process whereby the poor and powerless can take charge of their own self actualization agenda and empowering people for their participation in the decision making process effecting their lives.