COP 22, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held at Morocco (Marrakesh) on 7-18 November 2016

COP22 recently held at Marrakech initiated the process of turning the UN’s Paris Agreement into a detailed blueprint for action. Dr V V Sadamate participated in this event and he shares his experiences here.

Dr V V Sadamate is a Former Adviser, Agriculture, Planning Commission and Member NCCSD (



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  • This is indeed a matter of pride for we extension professionals that someone from our fraternity not only participated in this significant global event having policy implications, but also brought extension education in focus by way of his presentation. Dr Sadamate one among the most respected extension Professional having wide experience in filed level extension activities has beautifully captured the event including through very relevant photos, which makes it an interesting reading. I agree with Dr Sadamate, when he says, Extension and Advisory Services (EAS) have a major role in organizing farmers to adopt measures aimed at adaptation to climate change and communicating climate advisory to farmers. In fact, the whole adaptation at the ground level is fully dependent on extension and there is a need to enhance the capacities of extension personnel and of farmers in this area. There is a need to learn from the successful experiences of different countries and different actors in implementing adaptation measures and this should feed into the training of extension staff through systematically designed training modules. Appreciably, MANAGE is actively involving itself in this direction. Congratulations Dr Sadamate & AESA for yet another masterpiece in the form of this well articulated Meeting Note on one very important Meeting of global significance having bearing on Extension systems among others.