Capacity Development

Modular Outreach Materials for Capacity Development Initiatives in TAAT Compacts

The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) has been playing a key role in capacity strengthening at all levels within partner institutions and within key priority intervention areas and their value chains. To this end, FARA in collaboration with AFAAS convened a workshop in Abidjan 2019 bringing together TAAT commodity and enabler compacts and other value chain actors, to develop a template that would act as a platform for training to ensure the commercialization of TAAT proven technologies. Further to this, the compacts have been working with a consultant to develop outreach material in a modular form for at least one technology each. The exercise ran from July to November 2020 and one recommendation is that it should be extended to other training manuals. This is especially because the eventual level of income generation by farmers and other stakeholders will lie in how accurately and effectively, they implement information from proven TAAT technologies.